How to find Facebook Interests for your Product

By Ted Parry 1 January 2023 2 minute read

When promoting your product, it is important to target your ads to the audience that are interested in your product. This can be done with Facebook Ads using interest-based targeting. Facebook interest-based targeting allows you to reach your audience and spend your money more efficiently.

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The Importance of Facebook Interest Targeting

When having a smaller budget, it is important to take advantage of interest targeting as it allows you to get right in front of your target audience. It is also important to not market to the wrong people.

For example, if a pet food ad was to come up on someone’s feed who doesn’t have a pet. This would be irrelevant to them and a waste of time for you which is why it is important to narrow down your audience.

Choosing the right audience 

When defining your target market within Facebook, there are a range of factors that will impact who you are marketing to.

This includes:

  • Demographic Audiences – job title, age, life events
  • Interests Audiences – hobbies, things they enjoy doing
  • Behaviour Audiences – what they do e.g., travelling, device choice

How to setup Facebook Interest Targeting

Once you have created a campaign in the meta business suite and start creating your ad set, you will come across the ‘Audience’ tab. This is where you will be given a range of different options when creating a new audience including the location, age and gender. The section you are looking for is Detailed Targeting.

Looking at this section, it provides you with the options to search, get suggestions or browse what’s available. Clicking browse will allow you to see the 3 categories mentioned before including all of their targeting options available.

In order to create an effective campaign, it is important not to leave your audience too broad. Just choosing one option will still give you a large audience that may not be interested in your product. This is when you can use the suggestions button to pull out any targets that may create a tighter audience.

Testing and Implementing

Once you have created your audience and implemented your ads, it is important to test and track how your campaign is doing with this specific audience and don’t be afraid to make slight adjustments to see if this helps to create better results.

Saving your Audience

If after creating and testing your audience, it is giving you great results and people are purchasing your product, it may be worth saving your audience to use for future campaigns or ad sets. This can be completed by going back into the ad set and going onto the audience section. At the bottom of this there will be a button that says ‘Save This Audience’ where you will be able to create a name and find this within the ‘Saved Audience’ tab for future campaigns.

To grow your e-commerce business and get the right foundations in place, get in touch with us and we'll discuss the next steps in getting your Facebook Ads up and running.

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